Cisco ME 1200 Series Carrier Ethernet Access Devices Controller Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS 15.6(1)SN and Later Releases - Configuring Y.1564 [Cisco ME 1200 Series Carrier Ethernet Access Devices] (2024)

This document describes the Y.1564 test feature and configuration stepsto execute Y.1564 feature.

  • Prerequisites for Configuring Y.1564
  • Information About Y.1564

Prerequisites for Configuring Y.1564

Information About Y.1564

ITU-T Y.1564 (Or sometimes calledY.156sam or EtherSAM - Ethernet Service Activation Methodology) is a QoS andnetwork performance ITU-T Ethernet-based service test methodology. This testingprocedure tests service turn-up, installation and troubleshooting ofEthernet-based services.

Y.1564 allows simultaneous testing of multiple Ethernet services andmeasures. It also validates the different QoS mechanisms provisioned in thenetwork to prioritize different service types - allowing faster deployment,easier service and network troubleshooting.

Y.1564 allows simultaneous testing of multiple Ethernet services andmeasures. It also validates the different QoS mechanisms provisioned in thenetwork to prioritize different service types - allowing faster deployment,easier service and network troubleshooting.

  • Configuring New Y.1564 Profile
  • Getting the Profile Configuration using Profile Name
  • Viewing Profile Names
  • Configuring Y.1564 Test Parameters

Configuring New Y.1564 Profile

    Command or ActionPurpose
    Step1configure terminal


    Switch# configure terminal

    Enters globalconfiguration mode.

    Step2controller nid1/NID_ID


    Switch(config)# controller nid 1/1

    Enters thecontroller configuration mode.

    Step3 ciscoY1564


    Switch(config-controller)# ciscoY1564
    Enters ciscoY1564 configuration mode.
    Step4setY1564Profile y1564ProfileProfile name|description|acceptable-fdv acceptable-gdv|acceptable-flr acceptable-flr|acceptable-ftd acceptable-ftd | cir-test {dm-interval dm-interval |duration duration | step-count step-count | start { enable | disable } } | dst-oam- aware { enable | disable } | dwell-time dwell-time | eir-test { enable | disable } | meg-level meg-level duration | performance-test { enable | disable } | traffic-policing-test { dm-interval | duration } | } traffic-type { customer-simulated | oam} | emix| user-defined-frame-size }


    Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564Profile y1564Profile profileNameSwitch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564Profile y1564Profile descriptionSwitch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564Profile y1564Profile acceptable-fdv 0-10000Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564Profile y1564Profile acceptable-flr 0-1000Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564Profile y1564Profile acceptable-ftd 0-10000Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564Profile y1564Profile cir-test start enableSwitch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564Profile y1564Profile cir-test dm-interval 100-10000Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564Profile y1564Profile cir-test duration <cr>Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564Profile y1564Profile cir-test step-count 1-1000Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564Profile y1564Profile dst-oam-aware enableSwitch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564Profile y1564Profile dwell-time 100-10000Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564Profile y1564Profile eir-test enableSwitch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564Profile y1564Profile meg-level 0-7Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564Profile y1564Profile performance-test enableSwitch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564Profile y1564Profile traffic-policing-test dm-interval 100-10000Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564Profile y1564Profile traffic-policing-test duration <cr>Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564Profile y1564Profile traffic-policing-test duration start enableSwitch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564Profile y1564Profile traffic-typeSwitch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564Profile y1564Profile traffic-type customer-simulated <cr>Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564Profile y1564Profile traffic-type oam <cr>Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564Profile y1564Profile emixSwitch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564Profile y1564Profile e emix USwitch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564Profile y1564Profile user-defined-frame-size 10000
    • profileName— Enter the name of the profile for Y1564 .
    • description— Enter a brief description about the profile .
    • acceptable-fdv— Enter frame delay variation in milliseconds to configure Y1564. Acceptable limit is 0-10000. The default value is 0, which disables the test.
    • acceptable-flr— Enter frame loss ratio per mile to configure Y1564. Acceptable limit is 0-1000. The default value is 0 and 1000 disables the test.
    • acceptable-ftd— Enter frame transfer delay in milliseconds to configure Y1564. Acceptable limit is 0-10000.Acceptable limit is 0-10000. The default value is 0, which disables the test.
    • cir-test— Enter frame delay variation in milliseconds to configure Y1564. Acceptable limit is 0-10000.
      • dm-interval—Enter the interval of between sending delay measurement frame. Acceptable limitis 100-10000.
      • duration—Enter the duration of one step.
      • step-count—Enter the number of steps to configure CIR. Acceptable limit is 1-1000
      • start—Enterenable or disable to configure CIR test.
    • dst-oam-aware— Enter enable or disable to configure remote end Y.1731 OAM aware.
    • dwell-time— Enter the time frame of execution, pauses in milliseconds after each trial before reading counters, and status from hardware. Acceptable limit is 100-10000. Default value is 500.
    • eir-test— Enter EIR configuration test and optionally set its parameters to configure Y1564. Parameters are dm-interval, duration and start.
    • meg-level— Enter the profile MEG level to configure Y1564 . Acceptable limit is 0-7.
    • performance-test— Enter the performance test parameters.
      • dm-interval—Enter the time interval in milliseconds between sending delay measurementframe. Acceptable limit is 100-10000.
      • duration—Enter the duration of performance test.
      • start—Enterenable or disable to start the performance test.
    • traffic-policing-test— Enter the traffic policing test parameters..
      • dm-interval—Enter the time interval in milliseconds between sending delay measurementframe. Acceptable limit is 100-10000.
      • duration—Enter the duration of traffic policing test.
      • start—Enterenable or disable to start the traffic policing test.
    • traffic-type— Enter the type of traffic generated at the near end.
      • customer-simulated— Enter the frames that simulatereal customer traffic as background traffic.
      • oam— Enterthe duration of traffic policing test.
    • emix— select the frame size(EMIX letter-encoded) that the enabled tests will use. Encoding is as follows: a: 64, b: 128, c: 256, d: 512, e: 1024,f: 1280, g: 1518, h: MTU, u: user-defined.
    • user-defined-frame-size— Enter the frame size if emix is set to 'U'. Acceptable limit is 64-10236
    Step5 review


    Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564Profile review
    Reviews the ciscoY1564 profile configuration parameters.
    Step6 commit


    Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564Profile commit
    Sends the ciscoY1564 profile parameters to the NID.
    Step7 exit


    Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# exit
    Exits the config controllermode.

    Getting the Profile Configuration using Profile Name

      Command or ActionPurpose
      Step1configure terminal


      Switch# configure terminal

      Enters global configuration mode.

      Step2controller nid1/NID_ID


      Switch(config)# controller nid 1/1

      Enters the controller configuration mode.

      Step3 ciscoY1564


      Switch(config-controller)# ciscoY1564
      Enters ciscoY1564 configuration mode.


      Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# getY1564Profile getY1564ProfileReq
      Retrieves the Profile configuration.


      Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# getY1564Profile review
      Displays the Y.1564 profile configuration.


      Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# getY1564Profile commit
      Sends the Y.1564 profile configuration information to the NID.
      Step7 exit


      Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# exit
      Exiits the config controller mode.

      The following example shows the Profile Configuration using the Profile Name:

      Switch(config-controller)# getY1564Profile commit GetY1564Profile_Output.y1564Profile.y1564Profile_ELEM_0.profileName = 'cisco123456'GetY1564Profile_Output.y1564Profile.y1564Profile_ELEM_0.description = 'oamunaware'GetY1564Profile_Output.y1564Profile.y1564Profile_ELEM_0.acceptable_fdv = 0GetY1564Profile_Output.y1564Profile.y1564Profile_ELEM_0.acceptable_ftd = 0GetY1564Profile_Output.y1564Profile.y1564Profile_ELEM_0.acceptable_flr = 0GetY1564Profile_Output.y1564Profile.y1564Profile_ELEM_0.dst_oam_aware = falseGetY1564Profile_Output.y1564Profile.y1564Profile_ELEM_0.dwell_time = 500GetY1564Profile_Output.y1564Profile.y1564Profile_ELEM_0.emix = '1024'GetY1564Profile_Output.y1564Profile.y1564Profile_ELEM_0.meg_level = 7GetY1564Profile_Output.y1564Profile.y1564Profile_ELEM_0.traffic_type.t = 1GetY1564Profile_Output.y1564Profile.y1564Profile_ELEM_0.traffic_type.u.oam = '0'GetY1564Profile_Output.y1564Profile.y1564Profile_ELEM_0.user_defined_frame_size = 2000GetY1564Profile_Output.y1564Profile.y1564Profile_ELEM_0.cir_test.start = trueGetY1564Profile_Output.y1564Profile.y1564Profile_ELEM_0.cir_test.duration = 60GetY1564Profile_Output.y1564Profile.y1564Profile_ELEM_0.cir_test.dm_interval = 500GetY1564Profile_Output.y1564Profile.y1564Profile_ELEM_0.cir_test.step_count = 4GetY1564Profile_Output.y1564Profile.y1564Profile_ELEM_0.eir_test.start = trueGetY1564Profile_Output.y1564Profile.y1564Profile_ELEM_0.eir_test.duration = 60GetY1564Profile_Output.y1564Profile.y1564Profile_ELEM_0.eir_test.dm_interval = 500GetY1564Profile_Output.y1564Profile.y1564Profile_ELEM_0.performance_test.start = trueGetY1564Profile_Output.y1564Profile.y1564Profile_ELEM_0.performance_test.duration = 10GetY1564Profile_Output.y1564Profile.y1564Profile_ELEM_0.performance_test.dm_interval = 100GetY1564Profile_Output.y1564Profile.y1564Profile_ELEM_0.traffic_policing_test.start = trueGetY1564Profile_Output.y1564Profile.y1564Profile_ELEM_0.traffic_policing_test.duration = 10GetY1564Profile_Output.y1564Profile.y1564Profile_ELEM_0.traffic_policing_test.dm_interval = 100 GetY1564Profile Commit Success

      Viewing Profile Names

        Command or ActionPurpose
        Step1configure terminal


        Switch# configure terminal

        Enters global configuration mode.

        Step2controller nid1/NID_ID


        Switch(config)# controller nid 1/1

        Enters the controller configuration mode.

        Step3 ciscoY1564


        Switch(config-controller)# ciscoY1564
        Enters ciscoY1564 configuration mode.


        Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# showY1564 showY1564Req
        Displays existing profiles or report information.


        Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# showY1564 review
        Displays the profile configurations.
        Step6 exit


        Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# exit
        Exits the config controller mode.

        The following example shows the configurations to display a particular Profiles using the profile name or description:

        Switch(config-controller-ciscoy1564)#showY1564 commit ShowY1564_Output.showY1564Resp.t = 1ShowY1564_Output.showY1564Resp.u.profile[0].profileName = 'NewProfile1'ShowY1564_Output.showY1564Resp.u.profile[0].description = ''ShowY1564_Output.showY1564Resp.u.profile[1].profileName = 'cisco123456'ShowY1564_Output.showY1564Resp.u.profile[1].description = 'oamunaware'ShowY1564 Commit Success

        Managing Y.1564 Profile Names

          Command or ActionPurpose
          Step1configure terminal


          Switch# configure terminal

          Enters globalconfiguration mode.

          Step2controller nid1/NID_ID


          Switch(config)# controller nid 1/1

          Enters thecontroller configuration mode.

          Step3 ciscoY1564


          Switch(config-controller)# ciscoY1564
          Enters ciscoY1564 configuration mode.


          Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# y1564ProfileManagement y1564ProfileManagmentReq rename old-name cisco123456Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# y1564ProfileManagement y1564ProfileManagmentReq rename new-name ciscoSwitch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# y1564ProfileManagement y1564ProfileManagmentReq delete cisco
          • rename—Set rename to rename a old profile name.

          • delete—Set delete to delete an existing profile.

          Step5 review


          Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# y1564ProfileManagement review
          Reviews the ciscoY1564 profile names.
          Step6 commit


          Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# y1564ProfileManagement commit
          Sends the changed or deleted ciscoY1564 profile names to the NID .
          Step7 exit


          Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# exit
          Exits the config controllermode.

          Configuring Y.1564 Test Parameters

            Command or ActionPurpose
            Step1configure terminal


            Switch# configure terminal

            Enters globalconfiguration mode.

            Step2controller nid1/NID_ID


            Switch(config)# controller nid 1/1

            Enters thecontroller configuration mode.

            Step3 ciscoY1564


            Switch(config-controller)# ciscoY1564
            Enters ciscoY1564 configuration mode.
            Step4setY1564TestParamsy1564TestsReq { dei|description |dscp|ece | evc | interface | pcp | peer-mac | profile-name | report-name | vlan vlan-id }


            Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564TestParams y1564TestsReq profile-name cisco123456 Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564TestParams y1564TestsReq report-name controllerreport123456 Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564TestParams y1564TestsReq description dstmodeno Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564TestParams y1564TestsReq evc 1 Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564TestParams y1564TestsReq ece 1 Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564TestParams y1564TestsReq interface 3 Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564TestParams y1564TestsReq peer-mac 00-00-00-00-00-01 Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564TestParams y1564TestsReq pcp 2 Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564TestParams y1564TestsReq vlan untagged Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564TestParams y1564TestsReq dei 0 Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564TestParams reviewSwitch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564TestParams commit
            • dei— Enter the DEI number of the profile. The valid range is 0-1.

            • description— Enter the description about the test.

            • dscp— Enter the DSCP number of the profile. The valid range is 0-63.

            • ece— Enter the ECE ID number of the profile, on which the test needs to be executed. The valid range is 1-1024.

            • evc— Enter the EVC ID number of the profile. The valid range is 1-1024.

            • interface— Enter the UNI port. The valid range is 1-125.

            • pcp— Enter the PCP number of the profile. The valid range is 0-7.

            • peer-mac— Enter peer MAC address.

            • profile-name— Enter the name of the existing profile, that needs to be tested.

            • report-name— Enter a unique name for the test report.

            • vlan— Enter the Vlan ID.

            Step5 review


            Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564TestParams review
            Reviews the ciscoY1564 profile test parameters.
            Step6 commit


            Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564TestParams commit
            Sends the test parameter reports to the NID.
            Step7 exit


            Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# exit
            Exits the config controller mode.

            Configuration Example

            when profile is configured as DST, then OAM-aware port and peer-mac address need to be specified in setY1564TestParams.

            Switch(config-controller)# ciscoY1564Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564TestParams y1564TestsReqSwitch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564TestParams y1564TestsReq profile-name cisco123456 Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564TestParams y1564TestsReq report-name controllerreport123456 Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564TestParams y1564TestsReq description dstmodenoSwitch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564TestParams y1564TestsReq peer-mac 00-02:01:00:01:03 Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564TestParams y1564TestsReq evc 1 Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564TestParams y1564TestsReq ece 1 Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564TestParams y1564TestsReq interface 3 Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564TestParams reviewSwitch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# setY1564TestParams commit 

            Viewing Y.1564 Test Parameters

              Command or ActionPurpose
              Step1configure terminal


              Switch# configure terminal

              Enters globalconfiguration mode.

              Step2controller nid1/NID_ID


              Switch(config)# controller nid 1/1

              Enters thecontroller configuration mode.

              Step3 ciscoY1564


              Switch(config-controller)# ciscoY1564
              Enters ciscoY1564 configuration mode.


              Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# getY1564TestParams getY1564TestsReq
              Retrieves the parameters set for latest tet.
              Step5 review


              Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# getY1564TestParams review
              Reviews the ciscoY1564 profile configuration parameters.
              Step6 commit


              Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# getY1564TestParams commit
              Sends the test parameter reports to the NID.
              Step7 exit


              Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# exit
              Exits the config controllermode.

              Saving Y.1564 Test Report

                Command or ActionPurpose
                Step1configure terminal


                Switch# configure terminal

                Enters global configuration mode.

                Step2controller nid1/NID_ID


                Switch(config)# controller nid 1/1

                Enters the controller configuration mode.

                Step3 ciscoY1564


                Switch(config-controller)# ciscoY1564
                Enters the ciscoY1564 configuration mode.
                Step4y1564ReportManagement y1564ReportManagementReqsave|stop


                Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# y1564ReportManagemen y1564ReportManagementReq save reportName controllerreportSwitch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# y1564ReportManagemen y1564ReportManagementReq save tftpPath tftp://
                • Save—Set save to save a profile test report.

                • Stop—Set stop to stop an ongoing profile test .

                Step5 review


                Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)#y1564ReportManagement review
                Reviews the ciscoY1564 profile test report.
                Step6 commit


                Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)#y1564ReportManagement commit
                Sends the ciscoY1564 profile test report to the NID.
                Step7 exit


                Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# exit
                Exits the config controller mode.

                Deleting Y.1564 Test Report

                  Command or ActionPurpose
                  Step1configure terminal


                  Switch# configure terminal

                  Enters globalconfiguration mode.

                  Step2controller nid1/NID_ID


                  Switch(config)# controller nid 1/1

                  Enters thecontroller configuration mode.

                  Step3 ciscoY1564


                  Switch(config-controller)# ciscoY1564
                  Enters the ciscoY1564 configuration mode.
                  Step4y1564ReportManagement y1564ReportManagementReq{delete|stop}


                  Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# y1564ReportManagemen y1564ReportManagementReq delete controlerreport
                  • delete—Set delete to delete an existing profile test report.

                  • Stop—Set stop to stop an ongoing profile test .

                  Step5 review


                  Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# y1564ReportManagement review
                  Reviews the ciscoY1564 profile test report.
                  Step6 commit


                  Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# y1564ReportManagement commit
                  Sends the ciscoY1564 profile test report to the NID.
                  Step7 exit


                  Switch(config-controller-ciscoY1564)# exit
                  Exits the configcontroller mode.
                  Cisco ME 1200 Series Carrier Ethernet Access Devices Controller Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS 15.6(1)SN and Later Releases  - Configuring
	 Y.1564 [Cisco ME 1200 Series Carrier Ethernet Access Devices] (2024)
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                  Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.