Jordin Sparks Married, Pregnant, Her Life in Photos (2025)

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Born in Phoenix, Arizona, in 1989, Jordin Sparks grew up in Ridgewood, New Jersey, while her dad played football for the New York Giants. She returned to Phoenix as a teen — and let her love of singing take her from there.

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In 2006, Sparks auditioned for the sixth season of American Idol and ultimately made it all the way to the top, besting beatboxer Blake Lewis for the title. At 17, she became the youngest Idol champ ever — a record she still holds.

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Growing up the height of her dad Phillippi Sparks' NFL career, Sparks was "immersed in the game," she told Billboard in 2016. "Watching it, learning and understanding it and loving it."

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Though her parents split years ago, "I feel like my biggest influence in life is my family. They just inspire me every day," Sparks told InStyle in 2015. "I get a lot of amazing traits from my dad and my mom. My mom is very headstrong, and so is my dad ... I definitely get that from them. If I make a decision on something, you are not going to move me — so good luck with that!" Her mom, Jodi Jackson, remarried in 2014.

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A double nominee at the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards, Sparks clapped back at host Russell Brand when he made fun of the Jonas Brothers, who at the time wore purity rings, a symbol of a pledge to abstain from sex until marriage. "I just have one thing to say about promise rings. It's not bad to wear a promise ring, because not everybody — guy or girl — wants to be a slut," Sparks said when she took the mic to introduce a musical act. Days later, she told Entertainment Weekly that she didn't regret her comments, though wish she'd worded them differently.

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With her musical success came lots of endorsement deals, including a dress line for juniors' brand Wet Seal, a gig as "Chief Inspirational Officer" for Avon's teen line Mark and a series of signature fragrances.

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In 2009, Sparks scored her first Grammy nomination — Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals — for her duet with Chris Brown, "No Air." The young stars didn't win, though did earn BET, Teen Choice, People's Choice and BMI Pop awards for the track.

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Sparks' singing talents opened even more doors for her in 2010, when she joined the Broadway cast of Lin-Manuel Miranda's In the Heights for three months as Nina, a Stanford drop-out.

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Known in part for her curves, Sparks appeared on a June 2011 cover of PEOPLE talking about her 30-lb. slimdown. "Before, if I were to wear a bikini, it would just be in front of my mom or really close friends with a coverup," said the pop star, who credited eating smaller portions and taking Zumba, the popular Latin dance-inspired cardio class, for her "sexier" silhouette. "I feel good! I love that I still have my curves. I definitely didn't want to lose those," she said, adding, "I don't want to lose more weight. I just want to tone. I'm in a really good place now."

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At the same time, Sparks' acting career began to take off, and she joined the star-studded cast of Sparklein the title role. But the bright spot took a somewhat darker turn with costar Whitney Houston's untimely death that February. “The first day she got [to the set] she’s scolding me, and I’m thinking this is the best day ever. She went from being this unreachable supernova pop star to my costar, friend and someone who was like a mentor to me," Sparks recounted at the ESSENCE Black Women in Hollywood luncheon days after Houston's death. "It was a gift and an honor to play opposite Whitney Houston in the film.”

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The starlet's first high-profile, long-term romance was with equally talented singer Jason Derulo, whom she dated from 2011 to 2014. The two hit endless red carpets together, and weren't shy about sharing their love story on social media. But as Derulo told Ryan Seacrest after their breakup, “There was a lot of tension in our relationship for a lot of different reasons. Every relationship has ups and downs when you stop having more good times than bad times, it’s time to call it quits.”

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Sparks moved on from Derulo with rapper Sage the Gemini, dating him for 10 months from 2015 to 2016. “He’s a great guy. He makes me smile every single day,” she told PEOPLE before their February 2016 split. “He’s just very low-key and down to Earth as well. We don’t have to always worry about getting up and getting ready or feeling like we have to.”

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Her latest relationship is moving in a decidedly happier direction: in November 2017, Sparks revealed to PEOPLE that she secretly married boyfriend Dana Isaiah in July — and they're expecting a baby together this spring! “We’re both really excited,” said Sparks about finally opening up about their happy news. “He’s been like, ‘I want to shout it from the mountain tops!’ We’re really proud to be married to each other and to be celebrating this.”

Jordin Sparks Married, Pregnant, Her Life in Photos (2025)
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.