Xeneela Ruins Mokoko Seed Locations - FragMeta (2025)

Trying to find all the Mokoko Seeds in the Xeneela Ruins? Read our latest guide to get the scoop on where each seed can be found, and the specifics of what you’ve gotta do to get them all.


Ah, the Xeneela ruins. After the bright and cheerful start of the Rohendel continent, things take a decidedly gloomier turn when you step foot into this area. But don’t let that stop you from mokoko seed hunting! Nine more can be found here – if you know where to look.

You’ll need to have learned the Song of Eternity sheet music (gained upon reaching 60% completion of your Adventurer’s Tome) for three seeds located behind rocks. You’ll also need an Ether Essence, which can be acquired at 250 Kindness points – another prerequisite for completing your Tome.

On top of all that, there are plenty of other nooks and crannies in Xeneela Ruins waiting to be explored. Who knows what kind of rewards await? So grab your gear and get ready to explore this mysterious place – it won’t disappoint!

Xeneela Ruins Mokoko Seed Locations - FragMeta (1)

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First Seed – Entrance Of Xeneela Ruins

Exploring the Xeneela Ruins is a thrilling experience for any gamer, and if you’re looking to collect mokoko seeds, then you don’t want to miss out on this opportunity.

To get started, make your way through the Breezesome Brae portal and take a left turn when you reach its western side. Keep going until you reach the first Sylvain encampment – there’s no mistaking it!


Once inside, head right until you spot Repairer NPC Iker in the corner of the camp. Here’s where things get interesting: just outside a green tent, near some boxes, lies your first mokoko seed.

Now that you’ve got a head start on your collection mission, why not explore further? Who knows what else awaits within Xeneela Ruins?

Second Seed – Near Bambiri Village

If you’re looking to get your hands on some mokoko seeds in Xeneela Ruins, then it’s time to hit the road! Head west from the encampment and take the left-hand path toward Celestial Plaza. When you come across a fork in the road, make sure to stay left (south side), and eventually you’ll happen upon a wooden jetty going south. After crossing over, you’ll find yourself on a circular platform with a round hut in the middle.

If you have 250 Kindness points saved up, then congratulations! You’ve earned yourself an invitation – step inside the hut and you can grab your next batch of mokoko seeds. But if not, don’t worry – just keep being kinder than ever before and soon enough those Kindness points will rack up so that you can also be part of this bounty hunt for yummy mokokos!

Third & Fourth Seed – The Celestial Plaza

Ready to explore the Xeneela Ruins? Get ready for your journey southwest and follow our guide to uncover the three mokoko seeds scattered around. From the jetty, take a right (northern edge) of this wide path and ignore the two paths heading north. Just beyond that second path, you should come across some unnamed NPCs using their magick to move the rubble here. On the cliff edge is a huge round black boulder – play The Song of Eternity here and voila! – your third mokoko seed is revealed.


Now turn back around and head back east just a short way and then take that northern path down the slope. At its bottom, turn left and hug onto the southern side until you’re below where you found your last seed. You’ll see two pieces of attachable, floating flooring there – destroy them quick as they can reappear later on! Step into this space to find an investigation icon – with it comes your fourth mokoko seed! If you’re too slow another surprise awaits – these floating floorings may trap you in their spot once again but don’t worry – just destroy them again and keep going! Happy hunting adventurers!

Fifth, Sixth & Seventh Seed – Moonkeep

Are you having trouble finding your way around the Xeneela Ruins and all of its Mokoko Seeds? No worries! We’ve got you covered with a deep and informative guide for this Lost Ark adventure.

Head north out of the ruined Celestial Plaza and make your way up to Moonkeep. Look for Storage Keep NPC Tasel just to the left of the entrance, with Guard Mishal standing right above her. Behind him, tucked away beneath a collapsed building roof, lies another seed waiting for you to discover it!

Now walk a little bit further north until you reach the edge of the cliff in the corner – then use Song of Eternity once more and voila: there’s your sixth Mokoko Seed!

But that’s not all – venture into Moonkeep itself and turn right. Follow that path until it curves leftwards and head down via lift – you’ll find yourself in the basement where in the southeast corner awaits one more Mokoko Seed hidden behind a fallen bookshelf.


And that’s it – if you’ve followed along so far, you should have 7 seeds racked up at Xeneela Ruins.

Eighth Seed – Magick Epicenter

If you’re not yet at the Contaminated Village Triport, get yourself over there pronto – otherwise, you’ll need to follow a winding path across the Blast Zone. To get there from the village, just head west and use the lift that takes you right in.

Once inside, go south while keeping close to the eastern map edge. The path will curve slightly southwest until it thins out and reaches a corner with a pile of skulls and what appear to be grave lids – plus an enormous black boulder that looks eerily familiar. It’s time to put those Song of Eternity skills into play once more: strum away on your axe and watch as the rock tumbles down off of a cliff revealing seed number eight!

Ninth Seed – The Forgotten Grave

Whew, eight seeds in, and we’re just about done with the collection log. For the ninth, and final seed, you should head over to the Forgotten Grave Triport and follow the path west, sticking to its right (northern) edge. You’ll soon come across some battling Sylvains – including one in long white robes carrying a white staff.

Here’s where things get interesting: you need to drink some Ether Essence in order to access a secret area! It’s a complex cooking item that requires your Tome – but once you do that, Ailara in Rohun can refill it relatively cheaply. So, once you’ve taken the sip – you should be able to access the secret area, and in there lies your final mokoko seed.

And there you have it: following these simple steps will help ensure that you’re able to collect all of the mokoko seeds from Xeneela Ruins!

TLDR Mokoko Seed Locations

  • A seed can be obtained in the right corner of Moonkeep’s basement.
  • A seed is located right in the middle of a camping area.
  • A seed needs you to have a Kindness score of 250.
  • A seed is obtained by smashing the hovering rock blocks.
  • A seed is revealed when you play the Song of Eternity near a massive boulder.
  • A seed requires the performance of the Song of Eternity near a huge boulder.
  • A seed has you perform the Song of Eternity in the vicinity of a large boulder.
  • A seed is concealed behind a fallen tower.
  • A seed needs you to have the Ether Essence cooking item available.

Tags: ARPGGuideHow ToLocationsLost ArkMMORPGMokokoRPGSeedsTipsTricks

Xeneela Ruins Mokoko Seed Locations - FragMeta (2025)
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